A payday loan can be a great blessing at a time when you need cash urgently and do not have any sources of getting it from. We often need money at the end of the month for an unforeseen emergency like an uninsured medical cost or car repairs. Unfortunately, this is a time when most of us do not have cash on hand. In most cases, we cannot even borrow from friends or family because even they might not have enough cash to spare. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, then a payday loan can easily help you out of whatever monetary problem you are facing.

Payday loans are defined as unsecured, short term loans of values ranging anywhere from $100 to $1500. These loans are called payday loans because they are generally provided to help you out till only the next payday and because you pay your lender back through a check that is cashed on your payday as well. A number of things contribute towards the popularity of payday loans. For one, they do not require any collateral or security. Secondly, they are provided to you within 24 hours of applying. This makes them the ideal emergency cash equipment for people who do not have any other avenues for raising money.

However, there are a number of factors that are not so favorable. The first and foremost is the fact that payday loans have become an extremely popular credit instrument. Seeing huge profits in the business, a number of unscrupulous businesses have started online payday loan companies. These sites are often run by loan sharks who will easily advance you the loan without any verification, but calculate interest and fee payments in such a manner that you end up paying your borrowed amount many times over.

The less nasty ones will calculate fees and interest in such a manner that you might have to pay $40 per every $100 borrowed. At the most, any legit payday loan should not cost you more than $25 per $100 in toto, and while even this amount is quite exorbitant when you compare it to other regular loans, you have to realize that this is the cost of getting instant cash without any kind of security at a notice of less than 24 hours.

Another problem that often arises when you need an online payday loan is that of speed. A payday loan needs to be processed in such a manner that the money you require should be in your account within 24 hours of application. This brings us to the question of applying for a payday loan, where the majority of payday loan companies will ask you to fax a number of documents for verification before your loan is approved. Often, collecting all the documents required and faxing them to and fro till your loan is approved takes so much time that the whole purpose of taking a payday loan—getting fast cash—is nullified.


There are still very few reputed companies that offer no fax payday loans or ‘payday loans guaranteed no fax’. The no fax payday loan is a great concept where you only have to fill an online application form to get your payday loan. Unlike regular payday loans, faxing any documents is not required. If you have a regular job, a checking account and have not defaulted on your loans, then your payday loan is guaranteed with no fax required. In fact, if all the conditions are met, and you apply within regular working hours, then you may find that the loan amount is deposited in your account within 3 to 4 hours only.

If you want to know about companies that can provide you with guaranteed no fax payday loans, then file your application online with The company is one of the most reputed online no fax payday loan firms. The firm does not provide you with the loan itself, but it forwards your application to the best no fax payday loan lenders in the country.

This ensures, first and foremost, that you get a payday loan as soon as possible. On the other hand, due to lender competition, you will also get a good deal and the best rates on your loan. provides borrowers with the opportunity of comparing no fax payday loan quotes and selecting the best option available, which saves you from exorbitant payday loans instantly.

If you are in a situation where you need money fast, but would prefer not getting fleeced by a lender, then apply for your no fax payday loan only through